Archive for the ‘blogging’ Category.

Up next: more conferences

October 29-31 is the Internet Librarian 2007 conference. I’ll be part of the panel on Information Literacy in the Public Library, Monday afternoon. There’s a preliminary program here.

Meanwhile, the Florida Association of Computer User Groups has their Fall Conference on October 6, in Orlando, Florida. I will be leading a roundtable discussion on blogging.

Next Conference

I will be at Seflin’s Energize 2.0 conference in Miami next week. I’ll be doing the part about blogs, along with Robin Kear, who is doing the wiki part. Like the last conference, this is for librarians.

It seems blogs are suddenly a hot topic. This is the second of four presentations I am doing this year (so far!) on blogs and blogging.

So yeah, between conferences and the day job, I’ve been a little busy. I’ll get back to the disconnected tips soon.

Flock browser for Macs

I have been slogging through applications, plug-ins, extensions, and widgets for anything related to blogs and blog posting on Macintosh (OS X). Since I download anything that looks like a possibility as I come across it, I invariably end up with a lot of stuff sitting around waiting for my attention. Sometimes it may be weeks before I actually get to a downloaded file, and have no idea what it is or why it’s there until I install it and try to use it. Such was the case with Flock, a browser for quick picture uploading. But it had mentioned something about blog posting (which is why I downloaded it).

So here’s the first post from Flock! The blogging part isn’t as obvious as the photo-uploading features. In fact, it looks like the blog part is really supposed to be an enhancement to the photo-uploading feature (you can drag and drop a photo you find on the web into a web-snippet bar to “hold” it, then drag it from the snippet bar into your post). But it’s findable through the menus, or the customizable toolbar. It pops up a blog editor which operates in editor mode or source code mode (for those who like to have total control).

The browser itself is like Safari and Firefox in the look and feel. It supports tabbed browsing, and will import your bookmarks from Safari or Firefox when it is installed. It even has extensions, like Firefox. In fact, on the site, there’s an interesting promise and caveat (snipped via the Flock websnippet tool):

Very soon you will be able to add your favorite extensions and we’ll convert them on the fly for you. Extensions written for other platforms can still be used in the Flock browser, but there is no guarantee that they will work correctly.

So for Mac bloggers, here’s the site:

[addendum: the tagging tool is for technorati tags only, so I had to edit the post here to add my own tags ]

[addendum #2:  once I had posted, my categories showed up in Flock.  Unfortunately, I can’t add categories, but it does show the ones I have already used on the blog.]

technorati tags:Review, blogs, blogging, Macintosh, Mac, OSX, browser